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New Year Wishes for Wife
As a seal upon my heart is My Love this never breathed before, 2019. Happy New Year my sweet heart.
Honey, this new year it’s my prayer you have special happiness, with no regrets and bitterness. Happy New Year.
May the moon beams create a din light, may the gentle breeze create a murmur of background music, may the flowers ooze out a musky fragrance as I wish my dear wife a very happy New Year.
This past year you have been there for me. Like a wheel spinning for a van to move so have you been and therefore this New Year, it’s my pleasure to assure you of my Love and support.
Here is wishing a very happy New Year to my wife who is the cherry on the cake of my life making it sweeter and more beautiful.
Marking the end of the old year entering the day of the New Year, I wish you peace, joy and success my dear wife.
This New Year let your smile bring peace, and your laughter make a smile on my face. Happy New Year
You have given me unconditional love and wonderful memories this past year, 2018 and I know these New Year, 2019 more is to come. Happy New Year!
Let us welcome this New Year together, celebrate every joy it holds and get through every sadness it has. Blessed New Year My love.
This New Year I want you to know that the most favorite place on earth for me is your heart – keep a special place for me in it always.
New Year Wishes for Wife
You came to my life dear wife as God’s sweetest blessing, filled it with laughter and happiness, gave my family the bonding it needed – so this New Year I want each day to be as special for you as you are to me.
God created the sun for the day, the moon for the night and star for the sky. To my day you are my sun, to my night you are my moon and to my sky you are my star. Happy New Year my sweetheart.
The sight of your face every day, makes my day full of joy and so do I feel joyous to announce to you the pleasure of having you this New year.
You are very special in my life and stand tall. You brought all the happiness and pleasure in my life. Let’s journey together celebrating the boon of Love. Happy New Year my love.
Every morning when I see your sweet face snuggled on the pillow in sleep beside me I feel blessed, and I want to start the New Year just this way.
Indeed God greatly honored me to have handed you over to me. You have always been my strength to keep on and so will you remain to be this New Year.
With my eyes I behold your laughter; with my ears I hear your tender voice. This New Year let your laughter never stop and your voice never silence in my heart. Happy New year sweat heart
Dearest wife, you brought hope, happiness and eternal love into my life. I will keep you happy and make sure the smile on your face never fades, and that every day of the coming year is a special day for you. Happy New Year my dear wife.
New Year Wishes for Wife
I want you to know that if we could rewind time these New Year I still would choose you. Happy New year
My New Year is blessed because I have the best wife in the world….by my side as my partner in life…. I promise to fill this coming year with beautiful memories and romantic times that you will cherish for life…. Wishing you a lovely Happy New Year my darling… May you are always smiling.
As the New Year approaches I want you to know that whenever I close my eyes I see your face, whenever I delve deep into my heart I see your smile – in a nutshell I am still crazily in love with my wife.
I know hours change to days, days to weeks, and weeks to months, months to years, years to decades and, decades to centuries and centuries to millenniums but certainly this New year my love for you won’t change.
My Darling wife, you coming into my life is the biggest and most wonderful gift GOD gave me this past year. As I cross over into 2017, I still thank GOD for you.
To the most gorgeous wife, I wish a year full of surprises…. A year blessed with lots of smiles and eternal happiness…. May each and every day bring into your life more and more joy and fortune… May our love grow with each passing day…. Happy New Year to you sweetheart!!
Honey, I know this coming New Year I’ll be luckier, with an avalanche of blessings with you besides me every day. Blessed New Year.
May the flowers be full of pungent attar as you cross over into these New Year 2019, My dear Love
This New Year wishes from me go to my most beautiful, loving and charming wife
New Year Wishes for Wife
Your continuous support and encouragement through this year has built my heart to grow in love and joy. This new year it will not only grow but even exceed our affection.
Let’s celebrate this New Year rejoicing all the wonderful moments we spent with each other and together. Happy New Year der wife.
This New Year I would like you to know that if I could turn back the hands of the clock of time I would choose you to be my wife again and again.
You have always been my biggest strength and support. Thanks for being there for me and showering your unconditional love on me. Warm wishes on 2019 New Year to my adorable wife who means the world to me.
Guide me when there is no Moon, Support me when there is no friend. Hold me when I am lost, Love me like you always have. Wishing a beautiful Happy New Year 2019 to the best wife in the world.
This New Year I want to tell you that it seems like a fairytale and as if it was just the other day that we walked down the aisle together and I want you to know that I would like to hold your on to your hands forever.
You came in my life as a blessing. You made it beautiful and meaningful. You gave it purpose and direction. Another year in our life, and I wish that you keep motivating and supporting me with your love. Best 2018 New Year wishes my love.
For my wife who gives me courage to endure all the challenges of life, I wish a New Year that gives her more strength to hold my hands tight.
New Year Wishes for Wife
It’s my deepest desire, that this New Year becomes the best of all the years you’ve ever lived in all your life. Happy New Year!New Year wishes for Wife
You are the reason for my existence and you are my strength. Before you get busy taking care of everyone around you, I would like to embrace you and adore you and wish you a beautiful 2018. Dear wife, warm wishes on New Year.
Every moment I have been down the valley you’ve been my mountain of hope, Strength and courage to face all that comes my way. I appreciate you and Wish you a Happy New year and a prosperous life a head.
In the dark nights you’ve always been my guiding star, always holding my hands and walking side of me. When others have walked away you have always stayed and become my warmth in the ice cold life, Happy New year my sweat wife.
New Year is the time to cherish the moments we have spent together and promise to create more wonderful memories this year too to cherish in the times to come.
As we enter 2018, I promise that I will be there with you every moment. I promise that I will love you more. I promise that I will make it the best year of your life. Wishing you a beautiful colorful New Year my love.
I want to let you know that this New Year my love for you is as hot as a lava flow, as new as morning and as strong as an ox.
My love for you is never going to fade. It will get stronger with time. Warm 2019 New Year wishes to the woman who is my life. Thanks for being there for me always and thanks for brightening my life.
New Year Wishes for Wife
When sadness fills my core, when tears trickle down my cheeks, my heart takes comfort in the fact that my wife is there by my side to share all my woes – this New Year I thank God for blessing me with such a wonderful life partner.
Happy New Year my love, let 2017 be the year of colossal happiness, countless victory and wonderful moment to you.
It’s my delight to realize that this coming new year, I still get the chance to be the man in your heart. You very blessed creature of God, dear wife.
Our married life is like a fairy tale story for me. You came from nowhere and beautified my life amazingly. I wish to hold your hand and walk this beautiful journey of life. Happy New Year my darling.
When your heart faint, tears bubble your eyes or sadness fills your heart, My God be your strength, peace and joy in This New year
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