Baby Girl Names Start with A

Indian Baby Girl Names Starting With Alphabet A

Are you searching for Indian Baby Girl Names Starting With Alphabet A?

If yes, you are in the right place you can find the latest collection of unique and rare Indian Baby Girl Names Starting With Alphabet A. Click on the alphabet below for a detailed list of Indian Girl Names.
Baby Girl Names Start with A

Baby Girls Names with Meaning

Names Meaning
Aafreen encouragement
Aabha lustrous beauty
Aabharana Jewel
Aadarshini Idealistic
Aadhya First power
Aadita From the begining
Aahana First rays of the sun
Aaheli Pure
Aahna Exist
Aaina Mirror
Aakanksha Desire
Aakriti Shape
Aaliya Tall,Excellent
Aamani Spring season
Aarini Adveterous
Aarna Lakshmi
Aarohi Tune
Aarti worship, divine fire in rituals
Aarushi First rays of sun
Aasha hope
Aashna Beloved, Devoted to love
Aashini Lightening
Aashita One who is full of hope
Aayushi One with long life
Aashika Lovable
Aboli A Flower
Achala constant
Adhira lightning
Adishree exalted
Aditi the earth
Adrika celestial
Advika Unique
Adwita Unique
Agrata leadership
Agrima leadership
Aishani Goddess Durga
Aishwarya wealth
Akhila total
Akshaya indestructible
Akshita seen
Alisha protected by God
Alpana a decorative design
Ambika Goddess Parvati
Ambuja Goddess Lakshmi
Amita without limit
Amisha Beautiful
Amodini joyful
Amrita immortality
Amritkala nectarine art
Amrusha sudden
Anagha sinless
Anahita graceful
Anala fiery
Anamika ring
Anandamayi full of joy
Anandi jovial
Anandini joyful
Ananya without a second
Anchal the decorative end of a sari
Angarika a flame
Anisha uninterrupted
Anita grace
Anjali offering with both hands
Anjana mother of Hanuman
Anjushri dear to one’s heart
Anindita beautiful
Anika Goddess Durga
Ankita empress, one with auspicious marks
Anokhi Unique
Anoushka lightening
Anshula sunny
Antara sky
Anuhya something unexpected (in a pleasant way)
Anuja Younger sister
Anumati consent
Anupama uncomparable
Anuradha name of a star
Anuva knowldege
Anvita One who bridges the gap
Anwesha quest
Apala name of a learned woman of the past
Aparijita undefeated
Aparna Goddess Parvati
Apeksha Expectation
Apsara celestial maiden
Apoorva unique
Aradhana worship
Archana worship
Arnima glow of dawn
Arpana surrendered
Arpita dedicated
Arshia heavenly
Arundhati a star
Aruna dawn
Arunima glow of dawn
Asavari name of a raga or melody
Ashima limitless
Ashlesha a star
Ashna friend
Ashwini a star
Asita the river Yamuna
Asmita pride
Atasi a blue flower
Atmaja daughter
Atreyi name of a river
Avani earth
Avanti ancient Malwa, Ujjain
Avantika city of Ujjain
Ayanna Innocent
Ayesha Doll
Ayesha Doll

Baby Girl Names Alphabetically

A b C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W YZ

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