Are you searching for Indian Baby Girl Names Starting With Alphabet I?

If yes, you are in the right place you can find the latest collection of unique and rare Indian Baby Girl Names Starting With Alphabet I. Click on the alphabet below for a detailed list of Indian Girl Names.
Baby Girl Names Start with i

Baby Girls Names with Meaning

Names Meaning
Iha The earth
Ihina Enthusiasm
Iksha Sight
Ikshana Sight
Ikshitha Visible
Ila Wife of the sage Manu; The earth; water
Ilisha Queen of the earth
Imani Trustworthy
Ina Mother
Inayat Kindness
Indira Goddess Lakshmi
Indiya Knowledgeable
Indrakshi One with beautiful
Indrani Wife of Lord Indra
Indrayani The name of a sacred river
Indu Moon
Indukala Digit of the moon, Moonlight
Induja Narmada river
Ipsa Desire
Ipsita Desired
Ira Earth; Muse
Iravati The river Ravi
Isha One who protects
Ishana Lord Vishnu,Rich
Ishani Parvati, wife of Lord shiva
Ishanika Belonging to the north east
Ishanya North east
Ishi Goddess Durga
Ishika Paint brush
Ishita Mastery; Wealth
Ishrat Affection
Ishwari Goddess
Ishwarya God\’s prosperity
Ishya Spring

Baby Girl Names Alphabetically

A b C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W YZ

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