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Fever Status For Whatsapp
Always do what you’re afraid to do.
Fake isn’t the perfect choice one moment the person in front of you will just catch you… or you can’t do that forever… and be a sick fuck to play with people’s feeling.
I am sick?
I will prove myself brave when they think I am weak.
In order to change we must be sick and tired of being sick and tired
People are sick… but I should be there to explore their features!
The fact that we are living does not mean we are not sick.
Those people who say forgive and forget, I say they not right.
You know when you feel like u got a bad life, think of those people who don’t have a home, a family, or sick. Then how do you feel?
Battling the winter cold and flu season.
Do one thing every day that scares you.
First we had each other. Then we had you. Now we have everything.
I abandon myself to the fever of dreams, in search for new laws.
I have low self-esteem, feel ignored, feel empty, get jealous, have trust issues, and pretty much always feel like I’m not good enough
Fever Status For Whatsapp
I’m the opposite of homesick, I’m sick of being home.
If you’re trying to get someone who’s sick with a fever off of a submarine and it’s cold and raining outside, the only way in and out of a submarine, generally, is through a fairly narrow hatch.
It’s become a cabin fever type of activity here.
Love manufactures every man into a poet while the fever lasts.
Pain is like a healing emotional fever.
Stay positive tomorrow will be amazing.
The more alien that you make your environment, the more likely it is that you will be sick.
We all got spring fever a little early.
Woke up sick
Augustan very distant tonight. Probably because of my games.
I don’t know, what is sickness?
I wonder either their God has turned old, sick or died because even the religious people no more believe in shit.
Instead of calling in sick, call in well. Tell them how great you feel not having to go to work today.
Please help me dear ones, I am sick.
The feeling of being sick, but you’re not really sick. You’re just sad, upset, and unhappy. You just feel like lying in bed all day.
Those who make conversations impossible, make escalation inevitable.
You know when you feel like u got a bad life, think of those people who don’t have a home, or sick. Then how do you feel?
Fever Status For Whatsapp
Be all in or get all out. There is no halfway.
Doing what you like is freedom. Liking what you do is happiness.
Got a bad bad fever.
I am glad it cannot happen twice, the fever of first love. For it is a fever, and a burden, too, whatever the poets may say.
I have low self-esteem, feel ignored, feel empty, get jealous, have trust issues, and pretty much always feel like I’m not good enough
I’m tired and sick of being the one who cheers up people when they’re sad… because when I’m the one in need of someone, nobody is there to make me feel better.
I’m Sick!
It’s spring fever, that is what the name of it is. And when you’re got it, you want – oh, you don’t quite know what it is you do want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so!
Love me. I am feeling sick.
Please be careful with me, glass bones held together by tissue paper skin.
Stuff a cold and starver a fever.
The only time you should ever look back, is to see how far you’ve come.
Wedding fever is one of the scariest diseases I have ever seen.
You choose what you can live with and what you can’t live without.
Be happy, your half sickness is gone.
Fever Status For Whatsapp
For many people, a western lifestyle equates to living in a toxic home, working a toxic job, eating toxic food, being sick from your thirties onward and eventually dying from preventable disease.
I feel physically sick when thinking about all the work I have to do. Projects, assignments, exam revision. Ugh, shoot me.
I would like to believe he’s sick rather than just mean and evil.
Is sick and tired and tired of being sick and sick of being tired.
Please talk to me, I am sick.
The human body resonates at the same frequency as Mother Earth.
To be real sometimes is the worst pain.
You want to know what I want. I’m sick of being a guinea pig. I’m sick, but I’m never f*cking sick enough for this family.
Be happy. It drives people crazy.
Dreams always come a sire too big so we can grow into them.
Happiness … having finished all of your exams!
I got a fever and the only prescription is more cowbell.
I have seen beauty in people who were called ugly, and I have seen the devil in the most angelic faces.
If kindness is a disease, caring is a syndrome, and loving is a virus then I m deeply ill, cause I cannot find a better cure than you.
I’m the opposite of home sick, I’m sick of being home.
Fever Status For Whatsapp
It’s spring fever, that is what the name of it is. And when you’re got it. You want. Oh! you don’t quit know what it is you do want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so.
Marriage, is contract to the flu, start with a fever and ends with the chills.
Recovery is hard but not recovering is harder.
Success isn’t about how much money you make. It’s about the different you make in people’s live.
The strong, ferocious wind just made the chill worse, and as it blew around me, electric bursts of pain shot through my body.
What was that old song, we got married in a fever, hotter than a pepper sprout.
You create your own clam.
Be not sick too late, nor well too soon.
For me, sickness is what?
I felt dead and sick inside.
If kindness is a disease, caring is a syndrome, and love is a virus then I am deeply ill because I cannot find a better cure than you.
It’s sick and twisted and violent. Other than that it is totally G-rated.
Sick of being nice and getting it thrown back in my face.
The most poetical thing in the world is not being sick.
When I say I’ll murder my baby’s mother, maybe I wanted to but I didn’t. Anybody who takes it literally is 10 times sicker than I am.
Fever Status For Whatsapp
Your mind can make you sick, and your mind can heal you.
Being sick is just your body’s way of saying you’re way too awesome, and you need to slow down.
Every dance is a kind of fever chart, a graph of the heart.
Happiness … having finished all of your exams!
I got hurt. Really hurt. And sometimes when that happens, something inside me shuts off.
I hope you don’t mind. Pinterest gave me baby fever, and I already have our non-existent child’s nursery decorations and clothes picked out.
If kindness is a disease, caring is a syndrome, and loving is a virus then I’m deeply ill, because I cannot find a better cure than you.
I’m tired and sick of being the one who cheers up people when they’re sad… because when I’m the one in need of someone, nobody is there to make me feel better.
It’s spring fever. That is what the name of it is. And when you’ve got it, you want – oh you don’t quite know what it is you do want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so!
My attitude in exams, they give me questions I don’t know. I give them answers they don’t know.
Saturday night out! Just kidding I’m in my jammies.
Suffering from exam fever.
The trickiest tongue twister in the English is apparently “Sixth sick sheik’s sixth sheep’s sick”.
When the ride is rough, people often get sick. Hold on to your grip and you will reach your destination.
Fever Status For Whatsapp
You have to know what you stand for, not just what you stand against.
Being happy is the right medicine for your sickness.
Get well soon.
I felt sick.
I’m just a little bit sicker than the average individual I think.
Medicine is a golden goose that has to be killed because every time the goose lays a golden egg, someone gets sick or dead.
Sick of being the only one trying.
The people who work with solar photo-voltaic (PV) tend to be sick, I’ve worked with many of them. They were showing classic symptoms of Radio Wave Sickness (RWS).
Why I am sick?
Fever Messages
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