Heart Break Status For WhatsApp And Facebook In English

Heart Break WhatsApp Status | Heart Break FaceBook Status

I hate being broken. I hate that i cannot go back.
I said I am over you. But every time my phone vibrates.
Not everyone is meant to be a long-term thing. Maybe I should just give up.
I wish I could just get up and walk away, and not look back and leave everything and everyone behind me that has hurt me or caused me heartache and pain.
Loneliness doesn’t KILL, but sometimes I wish it DID.
Everyone says to follow your heart, but what if your heart wants something it can never have
LOVE, love quotes, heart touching quotes
There is always someone who cares for you without your knowledge.
A great many people have a soldier’s stomach – everything they eat goes to the front.
I like having low self-esteem it makes me feel special.
It’s hard to find a good guy. All girls know that guys don’t think with their brains.
We both said I love you to each other, but the difference was, I didn’t lie.
Sometimes it’s better to be alone. No one can hurt you that way.
Make the most beautiful Mistakes, mine is you.
The hardest part in life is trying to show the smile you know is fake and to hide the tears that won’t stop.
I wish I could ignore you, the way you ignore me.
It’s better to be alone NOBODY can hurt you.
I cry then I cut, then I cry again, it never ends.
Sometimes the people that u don’t want to get hurt doesn’t care if they hurt you.
Did you ever think, that maybe, this smile on my face was just a mask to hide the tears?
I know someday you’ll have a beautiful life, I know you’ll be the sun in somebody else’s sky, but why can’t it be mine?
What hurts more than losing you is knowing you are not fighting to keep me.
If you give up on me, I’m going to give up on me too.
Don’t trust too much, don’t love too much, don’t care too much because that ‘too much’ will hurt you so much!
I just want you, that’s all.
The people who hide their feelings usually care the most!
My two most HATED words..’I PROMISE’..It doesn’t mean $hit to me!
She was a girl who knew how to be happy even when she was sad and that’s important you know.
Breakup in love is wake up in life.
It’s strange how the people you love and care for the most can cause the most pain to you.

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