Love Messages For Whatsapp

Latest Love Messages For Whatsapp In English

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Love Messages For Whatsapp

Love Messages For Whatsapp

I’m sick and tired of being strong…
Your voice is my favourite sound.
My mother always said don’t marry for money, divorce for money.
I have embraced many beautiful memories in my life but the one I admire the most was when I met you.
Truelove = No doubts + No jealousy + No worries then life is good
Love Doesn’t Make The World Go Around. Love Is What Makes The Ride Worthwhile.
Besides chocolates, you are my favourite.
Some people are going to leave but that’s not the end of your story. That’s the end of their in your story.
I want you in the worst way, your taste, scent, and feel of your skin next to mine. I want it all tonight.
You are like the love of my dreams but better. You are real.

Love Messages For Whatsapp
Love is when you look into someones eyes and see everything you need.
I Avoided Many Things Only For U In My Life..Don’t Ever Make Me Feel For Why I Left All That.
To be rich is not what you have in your bank account, but what you have in your heart.
Love Has No Age No Limit & No Death.
Even when someone breaks it to you gently, it’s still possible to be crushed.
The few hours I spend with you are worth the thousand hours I spend without you.
In the middle of life, love enters and make it a fairy tale.
Acting is a total physical, emotional sensation.
People don’t care for you when you are alone, they just care for you when they are alone.
I was sitting in my room today thinking of all the good things GOD has given me then I thought of you and smiled 🙂

Love Messages For Whatsapp
You are my first thought in the morning and my last thought before I go to bed. No matter how far we are from one another, we’re never truly apart.
Marriage is a relationship in which one person is always right and the other is the husband!
I just want to see you. Hold you. Hug you. Touch you. Kiss you. Cuddle you. Love you.
Waiting is a sign of true love and patience. Anyone can say I love you but not everyone can wait and prove it’s true.
Love is master key that is capable of opening a gate of happiness.
Girl’s eyes are faster than GOOGLE in searching handsome guy but girl’s heart is slower than a turtle in forgetting a boy that she loved.
There are only two times that I want to be with you.. Now and Forever.

Love Messages For Whatsapp
Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking outward together in the same direction.
Cheating is not an accident. Falling off a bike is an accident. You don’t just trip and fall into someone’s vagina.
Sometimes I can’t see myself when I’m with you. I can only just see you.
If you ever ask me how many times you have crossed my mind, I would say once. Because you came, and never left.
You left me? Fine! But don’t love somebody else in front of me.
No matter how much try, there’s no resisting love. If it has to happen, it will definitely.
I never really believed in magic until I saw you for the very first time.
When you fall for someone’s personality, everything about them becomes beautiful.

Love Messages For Whatsapp
Love means exposing yourself to the pain of being hurt by someone you trust.
I can’t read lips unless they’re touching mine.
True Love = No doubts + No jealousy + No worries then life is good
Love Is All, Love Is New/ Love Is All, Love Is You.
Every night I think of you before bed with the hopes of having you in my dreams.
The light of your love is as bright as the blazing sun, and only the stars at night can tame your brightness
It takes a lot to hate you, it take too much to forget you, but it took so little to love you…
I like you. Like, I really like you. Like, I am over heels, you are on my mind way too much, I am singing stupid love songs really like you.
We spend too much time looking for the perfect person to love instead of perfecting the love we give!
Love is anterior to life, posterior to death, initial of creation, and the exponent of breath.
Dear crush!! You’ved crushed me <3

Love Messages For Whatsapp
Sometimes you have to be your own hero because sometimes the people you can’t live without. Can live without you.
I would rather have taken one breath of your skin, one kiss from your lips, one touch of your hand, than spend eternity without you.
You are the key to my soul.
Love planted a rose, and the world turned sweet.
Hard times are sometimes blessings in disguise. We do have to suffer but in the end it makes us strong, better and wise.
There is not anything in the world that comes even close to being as sweet as your love.
It’s amazing how much we have gone through together over the past years, and how wonderful our relationship turned out in the end.
A good friend will help you move, a best friend will help you move a dead body.

Love Messages For Whatsapp
None of us knows what might happen even the next minute, yet still we go forward. Because we trust. Because we have Faith.
I Love How You Keep Smiling For Me Even When You Tired Or Unhappy. That Is What I Call True Love.
When I asked you to listen to a song, it’s because the lyrics mean everything I am trying to say to you.
Love is cute when it’s new, but love is most beautiful when it lasts.
Do butterflies feel humans in their stomach when they are in love?
Still can’t find out that my heart is taken by someone who is very close to me today.

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