Are you Searching for New Year Messages?

New Year Messages
A new year is like a blank book, and the pen is in your hands. It is your chance to write a beautiful story for yourself. Happy New Year.
My love I wish with my entire heart that you have a new year full of much happiness, you will see that all of our plans will come true. I love you and I will show you, my love, every day.
Happy New Year my friend. May this year be one of prosperity and joy for you and I hope we get a chance to meet up in 2022.
I didn’t know what to write in a New Year card, so I’ll just wish you a healthy and prosperous New Year!
Let me wish you a very Happy New Year before the phone lines get jammed and internet hanged. Happy New Year 2016 !
You are my best friend and there is nobody that I more sincerely wish for all the blessings of life to come to this new year than you. Thanks for being you.
May you have a year filled with smiles, love, luck, and prosperity. This is my wish from me to you. Happy New Year!
Every year leaves a trace, Something is given and something is taken away, I wish you bright days and joyful thoughts. Happy New Year
The object of a new year is not that we should have a new year. It is that we should have a new soul.
Just as a new bloom spreads fragrance and freshness around. May the New Year add a new beauty and freshness to your life. Happy New Year 2019
You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.
New Year Messages
May you fly like a bird and carry with you a new leaf of hope and peace. Have a fantastic New Year!
With lots of cheer and generous, you defined meaning of best friend on the special day of happy New Year.
The end of every year marks a new beginning. Wishing you all the best for the upcoming year!
If I have a magic wand I’d wave it and banish everything that’s bad and give you everything that’s good. Have a happy New Year!
With friends like you, I don’t need New Year’s resolutions because I’ve already got a terrific life. Thanks for all you do.
May this new year, bring in loads of joy and fun in your life. I wish you a very sweet and warm New Year and pray to God to bless to with his love, care, and support, May you achieve big feats this year.
Drop the last year into the silent limbo of the past. Let it go, for it was imperfect, and thank God that it can go.
Thank you for being a friend even when I did not deserve one. You are a gem. May you have the biggest, happiest and craziest celebration on New Year’s Eve.
If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way.
Wishing you always have a warm place to rest where love and affection will always embrace you.
New Year Messages
New hopes, new dreams and most importantly all my love for a wonderful new year!
Cut it loose and let 2015 go. Get Hold of 2016 and just play along. Happy New Year.
On this New Year I wish that you have a wonderful January, a lovely February, a Peaceful March, a stress
I wish for this year to have lesser disasters, less hate, fewer accidents and loads of love. Happy New Year.
May the New Year hurry up and come so we can finally get past this holiday season and get on with our lives!
As we bid farewell to the past, may it take all our pain and sorrows with it and may the New Year arrive with an arm open wide and full of blessings and joy. Happy New Years Eve!
The new year stands before us, like a chapter in a book, waiting to be written. We can help write that story by setting goals.
I miss you more than ever right now. At this moment, when one year kisses another, I wish I was kissing you.
We may not be perfect, but we are family, and there is nobody that I more sincerely wish to have a truly happy New Year 2019!
May the Lord bless and shower you with a great future. Happy New Year!
Along with all the new hopes and promises that the New Year would bring Hope it also brings us a lot more opportunities to work together. Wish you a very Happy and Successful Year ahead.
New Year Messages
New Year’s Day now is the accepted time to make your regular annual good resolutions. Next week you can begin paving hell with them as usual.
I am counting my blessings and wishing you even more! Have a wonderful new year my friend!
We take this opportunity to thank you and wish you and wish you the very best for the New Year.
May God’s love shine and bless you this year. Have a blessed New Year!
May God favor you with an adoring soul this New Year eve, May each eve kisses her Adam, and each Adam meets his eve.
New Year is on the way and I really do thank you for all that business and opportunities you have given me. Wishing you a prosperous New Year!
We are ending another year that was filled with joyous times and sweet memories. Let’s enjoy it in the next year as well.
Maintain The Smile, Forget The Tears, Chuck Out The Bad, And Love The Good All Through The Year.
Ahh, I do this every year. I promise myself I wouldn’t repeat the same things I write all the time in a greeting card, but how can you avoid that?! Anyway, Happy New Years!
My gift of unconditional love I give to you, with sincerity, blessings, and loyalty too. Have a wonderful New Year my darling!
Another year pertains to an end as well as I would like to thanks with all my heart for making it a worth your whole trip. Anticipating one more excellent year with you!!!
New Year Messages
The best thing about the New Year is having the feeling of a renewed hope. The chance to get it right and to enjoy the journey. Have a successful New Year!
Hope smiles from the threshold of the year to come, whispering, ‘It will be happier.’
This year has been the best of my life because I have the heart of the most beautiful woman in the world and now I’m really happy. I want that the next year is full of happiness and love for both of us. I love you much my life.
Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. –Thomas Edison
365 days complete, 365 new days to go, I am writing a New Year’s resolution, how about you? May you have a wonderful New Year!
My New Year’s resolution is to be more like you. Happy New Year to one of the best people I know.
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